
water molecule

Water consists of molecules formed by two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. Oxygen has a higher electronegativity than hydrogen at 2.1 on the Pauling scale with 3.5. The water molecule has thereby pronounced partial charges, with a negative polarity on the side of the oxygen and a positive on the side of the two hydrogen atoms. The result is a dipole whose dipole moment in the gas phase is 1.84 Debye. When water acts as a ligand in a complex bond, water is a monodentate ligand. Geometrically, the water molecule is angled, with the two hydrogen atoms and the two pairs of electrons directed into the corners of an imaginary tetrahedron. The angle subtended by the two O-H bonds is 104.45 °. It deviates from the ideal tetrahedral angle (~ 109.47 °) due to the increased space requirement of the lone pairs of electrons. The bond length of the O-H bonds is 95.84 pm each. Because water molecules are dipoles, they have pronounced intermolecular attractive forces and can assemble i

Advantages of water

Water (H2O) is a chemical compound of the elements oxygen (O) and hydrogen (H). As a liquid, water is transparent, largely colorless, odorless and tasteless. Water is the only chemical compound on earth that occurs in nature as a liquid, as a solid, and as a gas. The term water is used for the liquid state of matter. In the solid state one speaks of ice, in the gaseous state of water vapor. Water is the basis of life on earth. Of course, water rarely occurs in pure form, but usually contains dissolved parts of salts, gases and organic compounds.


In many Spanish-speaking countries the term "mineral water" is commonly used to refer to "purified water," "demineralized water," or "still water." Precisely, mineral water contains these minerals that characterize it and produce the gas in the water. If the gas is removed from the mineral water it is left with a different flavor to "purified water" or "demineralized water". The correct way to refer to water is "mineral water" if you want to drink sparkling water or "purified water, demineralized or simply water" to refer to the still water.


Many companies dedicated to the extraction, manufacture and exploitation of this natural resource, are giving false testimonies of the origin, properties and specific classification of its product. Some companies may name their product as mineral water, being that they are actually bottling "purified water", there being a great difference between them to.


Natural mineral water is currently being used as a luxury product since, in addition to the different origins and forms of extraction, the industry is taking advantage of to give it a touch of exclusivity through its design bottles.

Benefits to the human being

Benefits that these minerals contribute to our body: Calcium:  Helps strengthen bones and teeth. It also helps give muscle tone and controls nervous irritability. Magnesium:  Helps muscle relaxation, it is a soothing and energizing natural, also participates in the energy balance of neurons, thus keeping the nervous system healthy. Helps to fix calcium and phosphorus in teeth and bones is involved in hormonal balance, helps prevent cardiovascular disease, optimal relaxation and sleep, and control intestinal flora. Sodium:  it is very important in the cellular metabolism, it participates in the transmissions of nerve impulses and in the muscular contractions. Iron:  Helps correct tissue oxygenation and helps oxygenate cells. Chloride:  It participates in the transportation of oxygen to the cells, maintains the correct pH level in the gastric juices and stabilizes the body fluids. Fluoride:  Strengthens the enamel preventing diseases of the teeth. The excess of th

Mineral contents

Slightly carbonated mineral water. Source of ferruginous water. According to its mineral content water is classified as: Mineralization very weak:  Its dry residue (total minerals present) is up to 50 mg / l. Mineralization weak:  They are those that contain less than 500 mg / l. Strong Mineralization:  Contains more than 1500 mg / l dry residue. Bicarbonate:  Contains more than 600 mg / l of bicarbonates. Sulfated:  Contains more than 200 mg / l of sulfates. Chloride:  It has more than 200 mg / l of chloride. Calcium:  Contains more than 150 mg / l of calcium. Ferruginous:  Contains more than 1 mg / l of iron. Acid:  Contains more than 250 mg / l of CO2. Sodium:  It has a content higher than 200 mg / l sodium. Magnesium:  Its content exceeds 50 mg / l of magnesium. Fluorinated:  Contains more than 1 mg / l of fluoride.